by BreezeMaxWeb | Jun 28, 2023 | Kids Camps, Kids Leagues, Soccer
While neighbourhood pick-up games of baseball or football can be great, soccer is the perfect sport for kids because it allows them to compete while also having fun. Soccer also teaches cooperation and teamwork as they work together to accomplish a goal. In addition,...
by BreezeMaxWeb | May 17, 2023 | Kids Camps
Blog Sports and Mental Health: How Playing Sports Can Help Kids Manage Stress and Anxiety Sports keep kids energetic and physically active, and joining a kid’s soccer league, for example, will result in fun and excitement. According to the Child Mind Institute, sports...
by BreezeMaxWeb | Mar 10, 2021 | Camps, Kids Camps
Blog 5 Great Benefits For Kids Attending Camp Camp is a great place for your kids to make new friends, and learn new things while having tons of fun. Below are some great benefits for kids attending summer camp. An Opportunity to Give Back Community service camps are...
by BreezeMaxWeb | Mar 3, 2020 | Activities, Kids Camps
Blog Calming Activities to Soothe Anxious Kids Picture this: you’re in the front seat of your car with your little one sitting in the back. You’re on your way to a ball hockey league in Vaughan. Or maybe it’s a new kid’s camp. Perhaps you’re even taking them to their...
by BreezeMaxWeb | Oct 24, 2019 | Kids Camps
Blog Three Key Tips To Relieve First Time Campers Of Their Anxieties To Ensure They Have Fun The friends, activities and memories made at camp are often ones that last for a lifetime. From swimming, playing soccer and volleyball, to making crafts and meeting a new...
by BreezeMaxWeb | Jul 23, 2019 | Activities, Kids Camps, Kids Leagues
Blog A Beginner’s Guide to Rock Climbing The modern rock climbing we’re accustomed to today was first established in the 1800s in Europe, in which wealthy men, and some women, funded climbing expeditions in the Alps to make their way to the top. By today’s standards,...